We are indebted and very grateful to Prof. Chih-Fu Lee, Director, Chung-Hwa Institute, Venerable Prof. Bhikkhu Hui-min and Mr. Aming Tu for their invitation to catalogue the Chung-Hwa collection, and Prof. Biswadeb Mukherjee for his cordial encouragement.
We want to express our appreciation to Mrs. Lisa Huang, librarian, with all the staff of the Institute for their kind assistance at every moment, especially Miss Hsiu-lan Chen, Miss Sharlene Lin, Miss Martha Chen.
Thanks are also due to these dedicated nuns and students for their kind cooperation: Bhikkhuni Zhang Hui, Bhikkhuni Jenyu, Bhikkhuni Wu Chang and Miss Pang Wee Shem who contributed their support in many ways. We are grateful to all of them for making this catalogue possible.
Our warmest thanks are due to Mr. Peter Skilling for his invaluable advice and great help in revising, correcting, improving the computer print-out survey and for the part he has played in bringing this intricate publication to fulfilment.